Saturday, August 27, 2011


So far its just been a bit of rain, buuut we've pretty much got a bit of a game plan as to if it turns into worse than how it looks. (like say a tornado happens which isnt likely) But luckily we have a basement downstairs, in which if a tornado comes my happy but is gonna be

Anyone nervous by this thing? I've been through katrina so Im not super worried, I just don't want the power to go out... I don't think I can live without power :( I guess I rely waaay too much on it, like my phone, computer, my hair straightener *sniff* pretty much everything lol.

But anyways, today we went to Lilas 5th birthday party and aiden had a blast! we put him in a grass skirt (haha so cute) and he went swimming in the pool, which was his first time in a big pool, so of course he was terrified at first but then he had a lot of fun, Kenzi sorta had fun but it was super hot to her so she was pretty miserable. Poor baby.

So now Im just sitting here about to go to bed with my cuddle bug kenzi, and I will update tomorrow on the storm, welllll if I can lol. Later yall!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Crazy Day....

So Of course being Tommy is on swings my sleep schedule is kinda really off, but it happens everytime he is.  But Anyways, So I wake up this morning only to find out aiden had a messy diaper, and I guess he decided to take it off, YAY ME, ugh... So The great morning started off cleaning poo out of his bed, frebreezing the dog he normally sleeps with and cleaning the new crib tent I bought him because it was pretty much everywhere....

Although I am pretty glad he does have that crib tent though, otherwise I would have spent my morning searching the room for the stinky smell. Guess I need to get those new diapers for him the slip on ones or whatever, because he seems to be a fan of running the house naked. Great...

Mackenzi's update is more like she might as well be back in my stomach, because the moment I put her down or put her in her swing,bouncer, jumper whichever it is, makes her really mad and she starts yelling and then crying. Maybe she should have been a sloth?

As for me, weellllll I've been sucked into watching "The Kennedys" All I can say is WTF, Jackie Kennedy (at least in her day) was abslutely BEAUTIFUL, why would John cheat on her with random skanks? Thatsjust crazy, wow... Well so far my first post is probably boring but just wait, my life gets pretty dang interesting :p.

Night y'all!