Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I so do not like rain, I love it in the south because its like 80 degrees while raining, so you can go out and play in it without catching a cold. I miss home :(. So today is a very boring day so far lol. Tommy has his first football game today, YAY! although I am wondering if they will still have it with it raining like it is.

Well I might post more later, but time for naps and cleaning.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So the past few weeks we have gone through everything but a freaking Tsunami. What the hell? This is freaking NY, why in the world are there tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes? my goodness.

Anyways. I made some great new friends this past 2 weeks and also caught up with some great old friends. And hopefully tomorrow night I will get to see my first drag queen show. I am super excited, WOOT! haha I love going into gay bars, its seriously THE BEST.

Also the Navy Vs. Army game is September 17, and I want to go so badly Go Navy. Even though I hate it and want out, you still gotta cheer against those army guys :p. But Tommy was trying to convince me that if our next duty station is Va. that I will have my navy family to support me. YEAAAHH Fuck navy family... You find maybe 5 girls out of 700 that are actually decent non shit talking hardly stuck up jerks. That is why I am so careful about who i am friends with. Also a reason I tend to be friends with guys, because all they want to do is fun stupid stuff lol.

Enough about me, lets baby talk. haha. So Aiden is charging head first into the terrible 2s, so not looking forward to that, he's dumping his snacks on the floor and jumping on them, almost brought down our flat screen tv (thank god he didnt) being rude to the cat, and just an all out monster of a child. I know its just a phase but I am so ready for it to be over. But he is doing great with talking, his newest words include book, taco, boob (haha thanks haley!) and toes. Its just too cute when he tries to say things though :))))).

Mackenzi, actually sat up all on her own today, it was great! but it also makes me sad that my littlest baby girl is now growing up. She is all set to crawl too, she gets up on her hands and knees and just sits there but soon enough she will be movin. But like usual shes a amazing happy little girl who can make mommy smile and laugh over the silliest smirk.

I also applied at a place called Giffys bbq today, I really hope I get the job, I want to go back to work so bad. haha so wish me luck!

Alrighty time for bed niiiighhhhttt